User Defined Fields

The "User Defined Fields" menu selection will allow the user to define custom labels and items to meet various needs, as determined solely by the user.  The user will be able to select the customized items from a drop-down list. Labels and items will be defined using menu option File Management/File/User Defined Fields.


When the user clicks menu option User Defined Fields, the system will display the "User Definable Field Maintenance" screen which lists the system sections where the function is available. Note the number of labels will vary from location to location.


User Definable Field Maintenance Screen (Job Header Selected)


As a user selects a "Section", the custom labels that have been defined for that section will displayed in the "Fields" window. The number of labels available will vary from "1" to "15" depending on the "Section" that the user has selected.


For example, if the user selects "Invoice Header" as a "Section", the system will display the following:


User Definable Field Maintenance Screen (Invoice Header Selected)