Printing Time Cards

The Enterprise 32 system provides the capability for the employee or shift supervisor to print a daily time card that will show all labor transactions for the current day and shift.  A supervisor may also print a time card using the Job Costing Module. A Crew leader may print the time cards for the crew members from within the Crew screen.



The reader should realize that the employee time card will not show complete data for a "Start Time Only" employee until that employee clocks out of the shift.

After Clock-Out, the current time card will be available, even on the following day, until the employee clocks into a new day.








To print a Daily Time Card (using the Data Collection Module), highlight an employee and click the Time Card button on the "Shop Floor Data Collection" screen.


Time Card Button - Shop Floor Data Collection Screen



The system will display the "Print Time Card" dialog screen.


Click Print and the system will print a time card to either the window or the printer (see sample report below). Note that a time card may be printed for multiple shifts by selecting the Print Multiple Shifts option checkbox.

Employee Daily Time Card (Partial View)