Enterprise 32 Invoicing Module
From the Enterprise 32 Main Menu screen, select the Invoicing icon and the system will display the Invoicing Module "Invoicing" screen. The “Open Invoices” file will be selected by default (other choices will be “Posted Invoices” and "Completed Jobs”) and the main display window will show a list of open invoices.
Every invoice will require a valid customer account. The system will allow the user to create an invoice in any of three different ways.
Method 1: Create an invoice by first selecting a customer account, then a job from a list.
Method 2: Create an invoice by selecting a job from a completed jobs list.
Method 3: Create an invoice manually.
Method 4: With settings in File Maintenance/ System Settings/PO/Inventory/Shipping set and if using Enterprise Accounting, Accounts Receivable module, The Complete button in Shipping will automatically print shipping labels, change the job status to complete and create and print the invoice.