Enterprise 32 Invoicing Module
Per Invoice Tax Method (Invoice Defaults)
Select the "Per Invoice Tax Method" and the system will apply taxes to the invoice as a whole. If multiple taxes will be applied, the taxes may be added sequentially, if that is desired (refer to the “Apply Tax on Tax”option set in Invoice Defaults).
If the "Per Invoice Tax Method" is selected as a default, the system will enable the Taxes button on the Invoice Header screen and will disable the Taxes button on the Invoice Line Item screen.
Then, when entering or editing an invoice, the user may select the Taxes button (on the Invoice Header screen) to enter/edit taxes. The system will display the "Taxes" screen.
Taxes Screen
Click Add to add a tax or Edit to edit a "Per Invoice" tax and the system will display the "Tax" screen. Enter data as applicable and click OK to save. Note that any tax changes entered on these screens will not affect the default tax codes entered for the customer account.
Tax Screen