One major advantage offered by the Enterprise 32 system is the capability to create estimates and orders using Components, and an estimate or an order may include as many components as necessary to describe the work. The system will allow the user to enter different quantities for each component.
As an example, the user could create an estimate containing four components:
■ Cover (Comp. #1),
■ Inside Pages (Comp. #2),
■ 4-Color Insert (Comp. #3),
■ Promotional Letter (Comp. #4),
A different quantity could be specified for each of these individual components.
The question then is: What exactly is a component? First, all elements of a component must use the same production method, whether "Sheetfed/Digital", "Web", "Digital/High Speed Copying", "Flexographic Printing", "Business Forms Printing", "Finished Goods" or "Finished Goods Kit".
Secondly, all elements of a specific component must use the same production layout, such as the number of sides to print, the number of inks, and the signatures sizes, press sheet sizes and parent sheet sizes must be the same. By this we mean: within a specific component if there are several Lots or Signatures, each Lot or Signature must be the same size; and, each Lot or Signature must use the same press sheet size; and, each Lot or Signature must use the same parent sheet size.
However, this does not mean that the signature size must equal the press sheet size must equal the parent sheet size.
The user may select any Component Type (i.e. production method) for a component, regardless of the type chosen for other components within the same estimate or order.