Add/Edit/Delete Buttons ("Online Users" screen)

Click Add or Edit to add or edit an online user, or Delete to delete a user. If Add or Edit, the system will display the "Online User" screen. Three data entry tabs will be displayed.


Online User Screen (User Tab)



User Tab

Enter applicable information for the online user. The user will be required to enter the "Email" and "Password" to access the company web site. Select the "Default Ship To #" from a drop-down list of addresses previously entered for the account.


Browse to select the HTML "Welcome Page" that the user will view when logging into the company website. Note that the Welcome Screen  may be customized for each user. .




User Permissions Tab


Online User Screen (User Permissions Tab)



User Account Rights

These "User Account Rights" will only apply to registered online users for the Enterprise.Net modules.


RFQ Options

The RFQ Options will only be applicable to the Enterprise.Net modules and will not apply to the Enterprise 32 client-server program.


User Modules Access Rights

The User Modules Access Rights, for a registered online user,  will only be applicable to the Enterprise.Net modules and will not apply to the Enterprise 32 client-server program.



Options Tab


Online User (Options Tab)



Select options that will apply to this user (for the Enterprise.Net Modules only) then click OK to save.