Images Button

The user may associate an image or file to a customer. Click the Images button to view a list of images and files linked to the customer. Acceptable file types for images will include txt, tiff, gif, xls, doc, ppt, rdo, pdf and jpg file types.


Image Selection Screen


Option: "Store Images and Files in the Database"

(see: StandardsFileMaint./File/System Settings/System Options)


The user will be able to attach more than one image to a component.

By having images stored at a specific network location, all users will have equal access to the images.

Since estimate and order images most likely require significant storage capacity, separating the main Enterprise database file from the images will reduce the size of the main database file.


It is not recommended that images be stored in the SQL database. Image files usually are rather large and require significant capacity.


Select View to view an image and Add to associate an image file with a material.