The system will set a flag when a PO is posted from the "Open PO’s" file to the "PO History" file. The user will note that the system will add an “X”
to the "Xfer" column ("Purchasing" screen) indicating that the PO is ready for transfer.
When transfer has been successfully accomplished, the system will remove the “X” flag from the "Xfer" column.
Occasionally, the user may need to clear the transfer flag or may need to re-open the PO to add information. To clear the transfer flag: select the "PO
History" option on the main screen and highlight the purchase order. Then, select menu option File/Undo Accounting Transfer and the flag will be
To reset a flag that has been previously “cleared”, the user will be required to re-open the purchase order and re-post it in the usual manner (but the
flag will not be added in this case), then highlight the PO and click File/Undo Accounting Transfer and the system will restore the transfer flag.