Updated November 16, 2021
Use this field to define a cost grid that will be used for a specific material. It is recommended that the user start the grid with quantity = 1.
When entering a paper or ink material, the system will require that the first quantity break in the Estimating Unit Cost grid to be “1”. Initially, the system will allow the user to enter a quantity other than “1”, but if the first cost break is not “1”, then the system will change the entered value to “1” when the user clicks OK to exit the screen.
Grid Quantity |
Unit Cost |
Cost Quantity per each |
Cost |
1 |
$10.00 |
35 |
$35.00 |
500 |
$7.50 |
500 |
$3,750.00 |
1000 |
$5.00 |
2500 |
$12,500.00 |