Carton Quantity

Updated September 5, 2023

Applies to : Sheet Stock, Sheetfed and HSC Compounds

This field will be used to round up a quantity of any Sheet Stock material to even cartons in an Estimate or Order.




If the Carton Quantity field is left blank or has a 0 (zero) value the system will not use this feature. Instead it will calculate the exact number of sheets required.



For example, if the user enters a Carton Quantity of 1200 and the system calculates a requirement for 1300 sheets, the system would round up and calculate a requirement for 2400 sheets (even cartons).  


Additionally, for a multi-component job, the system will recognize common stocks based on Material Codes and calculate how many cartons that need to be purchased considering all components. This feature can be controlled by the option Don't combine Papers for Carton Qty of the Estimate or Order Header screen. Additionally this feature can be defaulted in System Settings.



The user will need to use the Recalc functions for this to work.