
Updated March 10, 2023

Applies to : Postpress processes

This field applies to a collating process. Enter the desired run slowdown percentage per pocket. Otherwise, set this field to 0.



Note that the slowdowns are progressive based on the Number of Pockets required.


In the above process setup, for example, the required pockets for a 64 page self cover book run as 16 page signatures there would be 4 signatures and it would therefore require 4 pockets.


The slowdown would than be;

Pocket 1 - 2,940 per hour (3,000-2%)

Pocket 2 - 2,881 per hour (2,940-2%)

Pocket 3 - 2,824 per hour (2,881-2%)

Pocket 4 - 2,767 per hour (2,824-2%)


In this way the process will never reach absolute 0 run speed.


Important Notes: