Payment Methods

Updated November 30, 2023

The system will allow the user to define payment methods, one of which may be assigned, as a default, to a customer or supplier.

Select Add/Edit to create or modify a Payment Method that can be used in the accounting modules for clients or suppliers.

Payment Methods Screens

Code : 5 digit alphanumeric Code to identify the Payment Method.

Description : Brief description of the method of payment.

Type : The user can choose Check, Cash, Visa/Mastercard, Bank Card, Direct or Other.

MerchantID : Use for Card Point 3rd Party Integration.

CC Fee % : If the user selects the Type to be Visa/Mastercard then the CC Fee % field will appear. This will allow the user to enter in a value that the system will use to calculate Card Card Fees associated with handling credit cards and provide a method to automatically create correct Accounts Receivable entries when accepting these payments.


The system allows for the creation of multiple payment codes for the same Type of payments. This allows the user to create a Payment Method for each Credit Card company where they may have different CC Fee %.